This year has been such a great year for overseas missions. We had three great missions in the first part of the year plus a recce mission to Northern Nigeria in June, and one to Ukraine in September. As that team returned another team went to Uganda and as they returned a mission to DRC departed! In October we had two teams going to Turkey to minister to two different groups from the Persecuted Church. What a move forward for us in Flame International, it is such an answer to prayer!
You can read about the Nigerian and Ukrainian recces, as well as an article by our team who went to Uganda.
I want to commend Julyan Lidstone’s article about the nations on the Silk Roads. This is becoming our focus area, and it is an outstanding article!
We are advertising our Supporter Weekend 21-23 March 2025, with Eugene Bach and Robert Karami speaking. We have spaces left and urge you to get yourself booked in!
Finally, there is an Appeal for taking our ministry to Ukraine. The need is great and as the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine said to church leaders - there are likely to be 10 million traumatised people in this nation at the end of the war. Flame International wants to bring those numbers down!
Blessings Galore!
This year has been such a great year for overseas missions. We had three great missions in the first part of the year plus a recce mission to Northern Nigeria in June, and one to Ukraine in September. As that team returned another team went to Uganda and as they returned a mission to DRC departed! In October we had two teams going to Turkey to minister to two different groups from the Persecuted Church. What a move forward for us in Flame International, it is such an answer to prayer!
You can read about the Nigerian and Ukrainian recces, as well as an article by our team who went to Uganda.
I want to commend Julyan Lidstone’s article about the nations on the Silk Roads. This is becoming our focus area, and it is an outstanding article!
We are advertising our Supporter Weekend 21-23 March 2025, with Eugene Bach and Robert Karami speaking. We have spaces left and urge you to get yourself booked in!
Finally, there is an Appeal for taking our ministry to Ukraine. The need is great and as the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine said to church leaders - there are likely to be 10 million traumatised people in this nation at the end of the war. Flame International wants to bring those numbers down!
Blessings Galore!

Jan Ransom, Founder & Director of Flame International

We often talk about our supporters as family, because there is a sense of friendship and belonging when we gather together as Flame.
Our Supporter Weekends help us build these relationships; we also have plenty of time together to worship and hear from God.
Equipping ourselves to be able to work together through training, prayer, giving and mission, to be the hands and feet of this ministry.
If you're interested in joining us click here.
Latest magazine articles
Ministry on the Silk Road
October 31st, 2024
The Silk Road refers to the vast expanse of Asia that stretches from Istanbul in the West to Xi’an in China in the East. It is the name of the ancient trade route that brought silk from China to the markets of Europe, although it should be called ‘Silk Roads’ as it was a network of routes that traversed Central Asia, and modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. Moreover, it was not just ...
RECCE: Ukraine
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A Chat with Val Batchelor
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RECCE: Nigeria
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Field Report: Uganda, Arua
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I Didn’t Survive: A True Story
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