Next Online Event 

Saturday 21st September 2024 – @10:15am

A passion to share our teaching in this nation combined with the first COVID-19 lockdown gave birth to the Fireside. When it wasn’t possible to meet in person Zoom gave us the opportunity to bring the gentle healing ministry into our homes. We want to offer you the same ministry that we take into countries affected by war, genocide or oppression.
We would like to offer teaching that could help people overcome trauma & fear or to enable them to help others overcome this. You may not have been traumatised, but this teaching will bring resilience, hope and transformation into all our lives.
You may know somebody else who would benefit from this teaching, please invite them along. We would also welcome people coming along to support others.
In 2024 we will be running the Fireside a little differently and have invited some anointed speakers within the body of Christ to come and inspire us with a topic of their passion. We will have a talk and afterwards we will have time for questions.
Below is our upcoming schedule:
21st September - TBC
19th October - TBC
16th November - Laura Brett
14th December - Bishop Jill Duff

Future Fireside Dates 

To register your place on these sessions:

Catch up on previous Fireside Sessions here:

For older episodes of the Fireside click here