Mitra's Story

I grew up in a Muslim family; my parents, my older sister and me. I am a Middle Eastern lady, and I gave my heart to Jesus in 2001 and since then my family and I are following him in every step of our life. This is my testimony of the way he revealed himself to me and my family.
My Mum bought me the Qur’an with a translation in my language. I started reading it and I wanted to know what God says in this book. After one month at university, I decided to quit and go back home! After that I struggled hopelessly and developed a deep depression. I lived like that for about 7 or 8 months.
One day my sister came home with a movie of Jesus’ life and a New Testament. We watched the movie altogether as a family and everyone enjoyed it, but because I was so depressed, in the middle of the movie, I felt I didn’t want this. Instead I started reading the New Testament, but I found it SO boring! And I gave the book back to my sister.
My sister continued reading and she had a dream, and my sister gave her heart to the Lord, and she came home with a movie about the end of the world. One night I was alone, and I felt I have to watch this movie. I suddenly felt such a hope deep inside of me and I just said in my heart, very simply: Jesus, I don’t know you, but I want you. I want this hope!
After watching this movie, I had a dream. I was in my room and on my bed; behind the window, I saw all the stars were falling… then I saw four people on white horses, and they were completely covered in green clothes. They were coming closer to me with their swords to kill me, but I heard a very soft and gentle voice saying ‘but I saved her, I won’t let you kill her’! I knew this was Jesus. They couldn’t see me anymore and they put their swords on the ground, and they left.
I woke up so happy. I shared this dream with my mum, and I told her that I don’t need medicines anymore. A few nights after that I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and I felt a fire come through my head and go out of my feet. It repeated three times. At a church, we sat there, and the pastor said whoever wants to speak in tongues can come to the front and we will pray for them. I was just getting to know Jesus, and I didn’t know who/what is the Holy Spirit! That was actually the time that I was baptised by the Holy Spirit.
My mum saw the changes in myself and my sister and heard about our dreams. She also dreamt about Jesus and she saw us speaking in another language. So, she started reading the Qur’an and the Bible at the same time, every day, comparing them. After one month, she came to the understanding that Jesus is the Truth and she gave her heart to the Lord. My father felt that he had lost his family, and he couldn’t control this situation. It took one month for him to come to the point that Jesus is the truth and then he gave his heart to the Lord. During the time of getting to know Jesus, he revealed himself through so many dreams to each one of us… we had many dreams about Jesus!
He is always with us, and he is so faithful in different seasons of our lives. It hasn’t been easy to carry our cross, but he gives us the strength and leads us through the different circumstances. When we know the truth and we taste his goodness, nothing else can satisfy us!
My Mum bought me the Qur’an with a translation in my language. I started reading it and I wanted to know what God says in this book. After one month at university, I decided to quit and go back home! After that I struggled hopelessly and developed a deep depression. I lived like that for about 7 or 8 months.
One day my sister came home with a movie of Jesus’ life and a New Testament. We watched the movie altogether as a family and everyone enjoyed it, but because I was so depressed, in the middle of the movie, I felt I didn’t want this. Instead I started reading the New Testament, but I found it SO boring! And I gave the book back to my sister.
My sister continued reading and she had a dream, and my sister gave her heart to the Lord, and she came home with a movie about the end of the world. One night I was alone, and I felt I have to watch this movie. I suddenly felt such a hope deep inside of me and I just said in my heart, very simply: Jesus, I don’t know you, but I want you. I want this hope!
After watching this movie, I had a dream. I was in my room and on my bed; behind the window, I saw all the stars were falling… then I saw four people on white horses, and they were completely covered in green clothes. They were coming closer to me with their swords to kill me, but I heard a very soft and gentle voice saying ‘but I saved her, I won’t let you kill her’! I knew this was Jesus. They couldn’t see me anymore and they put their swords on the ground, and they left.
I woke up so happy. I shared this dream with my mum, and I told her that I don’t need medicines anymore. A few nights after that I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and I felt a fire come through my head and go out of my feet. It repeated three times. At a church, we sat there, and the pastor said whoever wants to speak in tongues can come to the front and we will pray for them. I was just getting to know Jesus, and I didn’t know who/what is the Holy Spirit! That was actually the time that I was baptised by the Holy Spirit.
My mum saw the changes in myself and my sister and heard about our dreams. She also dreamt about Jesus and she saw us speaking in another language. So, she started reading the Qur’an and the Bible at the same time, every day, comparing them. After one month, she came to the understanding that Jesus is the Truth and she gave her heart to the Lord. My father felt that he had lost his family, and he couldn’t control this situation. It took one month for him to come to the point that Jesus is the truth and then he gave his heart to the Lord. During the time of getting to know Jesus, he revealed himself through so many dreams to each one of us… we had many dreams about Jesus!
He is always with us, and he is so faithful in different seasons of our lives. It hasn’t been easy to carry our cross, but he gives us the strength and leads us through the different circumstances. When we know the truth and we taste his goodness, nothing else can satisfy us!
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